to Springtime of

Our Early Beginning…
Springtime of Hope was established in 2001 as a 501c(3) non-profit in Toledo, Ohio. For eight consecutive years, an annual trip was planned to Appalachia to help reform existing structures as well as build new construction to assist in the care of the people most in need to “make their dreams come true”. In 2008, Springtime of Hope began to minister in Akron, Ohio to serve the local poor and homeless with our Mobile Outreach Unit with a limited menu of food; basically hot soup and sandwiches, as well as a few basic toiletry items. At that same time, the existing 501c(3) was re-incorporated to become a 100% “volunteered based” organization where every dollar that was donated would go towards the new formed ministry. During this time, we quickly realized that we did not have to look further than our own surrounding counties of Summit and Stark to find individuals in need, so we began to refocus our efforts locally. This has brought “Hope” to many through our labor of love and compassion, which became the platform of our ongoing ministry.
Most Recently…
In 2009 we expanded our efforts on the streets by preparing a hot meal and filling our Mobile Outreach Unit with clothing, tents, sleeping bags and toiletries. We also opened and operated two food & clothing distribution centers in Akron and Barberton and began pulling our mobile outreach trailer into Canton in early 2009 in an effort to serve those most in need. Since that time we reached out to a conglomeration of area churches which have united in Barberton and Canton to totally take over the food & clothing ministries in those cities. We continue to be blessed in Akron as other groups, universities and churches in the area have come to join SOH to help assist us as we continue to serve those impoverished. Today, our main focus is to provide assistance to individuals whose lives are affected by addiction, hunger and homelessness through our street ministry and more importantly, our transitional housing in Akron, Ohio. Our goal is to provide “safe and secure housing” that they can begin to feel comfortable with, which will enable them to once again become sustainable.
In early 2008 a home on Cole Ave in Akron was donated to SOH, which was completely renovated and opened for operation in the spring of 2009. This set the landmark for the beginning of a new era at SOH, and opened as an emergency homeless shelter for men. Once we learned more about the effectiveness of our efforts, this home was transformed from an emergency shelter into a transitional house. Within a few short months, this home was at capacity for five stable men who completed and graduated from a recognized area rehabilitation program. This home places them in a position to rebuild their lives with family and loved ones, and begin to reconnect with society. In 2010 we added two additional homes, as well as a corporate home and office for our housing coordinator. In early 2013 another home was donated to SOH, which was totally renovated and became our 4th transitional home for men in Akron. To our amazement and the good graces of GOD, at the end of 2013 six faithful and loyal donors donated $5000.00 each to allow us to purchase our 1st transitional home for women, within walking distance of where our housing coordinator resides. This house which 5 women call home was opened for operation in March of 2014. Today we are very proud to say we are able to help five women and twenty men each year as they continue to rebuild their lives, working towards a more sustainable lifestyle through our transitional housing.
Our homes are being constantly renovated with the continued support of our loyal donors, and by the time and talent of our volunteers. Our residents are encouraged to give back as they work towards there sustainability. These five homes are totally functional and are being called “home” by those men and women who have succeeded in their rehabilitation and are now ready and willing to prepare for their future.
Help Change A Life Today…
We cannot begin to describe what a wonderful feeling it is when we enter these homes and one of our brothers or sisters are relaxing on the couch after a long day of work or school, and looking forward to sitting down to a hot meal with their new family of friends. Today they are taking a hot shower and sleeping in a warm bed, when not so long ago we were meeting many of them on the streets and visiting them at their campsites, which at that time in their lives they referred to as “home”.
We have learned that these life-changing events come to these people in GOD’s time and not ours. Springtime of Hope has developed a group of extremely dedicated, compassionate and focused individuals who have helped to develop and serve those in transition from addiction to sobriety and from the streets to stability. Frequently childhood traumas and unresolved issues of negative habits become the cornerstone of an addicts’ need to use. While no one can remove these from a person, we hope to teach individuals to discover how to turn “obstacles into opportunities” to better their lives. We support our residents by providing a safe and sober community in which individuals can learn to become self-sustaining contributing members of society. Wanting more for them than they want for themselves is what SOH represents, but not what we are always able to accomplish. GOD has unveiled his plan to us so many times at SOH and we promise to continue to do HIS work through the hands of our many volunteers. We are constantly being reminded by GOD that the work we are doing is indeed “building bridges” for the people we are committed to serve.
In Matthew 25:40, Jesus said: “I assure you, as often as you did it to one of my least brothers, you did it to Me”. Our ongoing commitment will remain, as our Mission Statement reflects, “Ministering to fundamentals relating to the physical, emotional and spiritual needs of the less fortunate to prepare them for a better quality of life”.
Springtime of Hope asks that you search your heart and help us make a difference as we work to “bear fruit that will last forever”. Someone once said, “Proclaim the gospel every day and when necessary, use words”. Springtime of Hope finds this to be true as it is through our “labor of love” that many find healing, love and continued “HOPE”.
If you would be interested in joining us in our mission by donating your time, talent or treasures, please call us at 330-294-0056.
(Click here to watch the Springtime of Hope video).